Res. No. 2023-089
Denying the Appeals and Upholding the Planning Commission Approval of a Coastal Development Permit and Variance for the Guthrie Residence, a Single-Family Residence Located at 1153 Bath Lane (Vacant Parcel APN: 076-0-243-320) |
12/18/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-087
Providing for a Systematic Classification of Positions and a Standardization of Salaries of Supervisory Unit Employees of the City of San Buenaventura as of December 23, 2023 |
12/18/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-086
Providing for a Systematic Classification of Positions and a Standardization of Salaries of Certain Paid Officers and Employees of the City of San Buenaventura as of December 23, 2023 |
12/18/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-085
Adopting a Records Retention Schedule, Authorizing Destruction of Certain City Records |
12/18/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-084
Adopting an Active Transportation Plan |
12/4/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-083
Authorizing Submittal of Individual Grant Applications for Senate Bill 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program |
12/4/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-082
Offering 19 Card Tables to Each of the Three Existing or Prospective Cardroom Licensees Operating or Planning to Operate in the City of San Buenaventura |
12/4/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-081
Approving a Mills Act Contract for Historic Landmark No. 117 Located at 384 E Main Street |
11/13/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-080
Approving a Mills Act Contract for Historic Landmark No. 118 Located at 10807 Telegraph Rd |
11/13/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-079
Resolution of Intention Adopted by the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura for the Vacation of a Portion of the Public Alley North of Thompson Boulevard and Between South Ann Street and South Hemlock Street |
11/13/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-078
Setting a City Council Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2024 |
11/6/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-077
Authorizing the Ventura Water General Manager, or Designee, to Apply for, Receive Funds, Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement, and Administer a Grant for the Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Drought Response Program: Drought Resiliency Projects for Fiscal Year 2024 |
10/23/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-076
Authorizing the Public Works Director to Negotiate, Execute, and Submit All Required Documentation to Los Angeles County to Apply for the Revolving Savings Fund Loan |
10/23/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-075
Approving an Allocation of Funding, an Application for Funding, and the Execution of a Grant Agreement and Any Amendments Thereto From the 2019- 2020 Funding Year of the CDBG Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Resilient Planning and Public Services Program and Rescinding Resolution No. 2022-002 |
10/9/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-074
Authorizing the Acceptance of the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Grant From the Ventura County Continuum of Care and Approving Agreement With the City and Mercy House Transitional Living Centers, Inc. to Implement the Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program |
10/9/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-073
Amending the City Council Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2023 |
10/9/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-072
Authorizing Submittal of a Major Amendment to the Land Use Plan and Implementation Plan of the Local Coastal Program to the California Coastal Commission, Consisting of an Amendment to Section 24.238.020 of the San Buenaventura Municipal Code, Amendment to the 1989 Comprehensive Plan, and a Zone Map Amendmemt to Prezone a Site |
9/25/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-071
Approving a General Plan Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Both Part of a Major Amendment to the Land Use and Local Implementation Plans of the Local Coastal Program, to Establish Development Standards and a Harbor Commercial Land Use Designation, and Pre-Zoning a 10-Acre Site of Unincorporated Territory to the Harbor Commercial (H-C) Zone, Located at the Southeast Corner of Harbor Boulevard and Olivas Park Drive, and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto |
9/25/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-070
Initiating Proceedings to Reorganize Territory for a 10-Acre Vacant Parcel Within the Sphere of Influence for the City of San Buenaventura |
9/25/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-069
Granting the City’s Two Available Card Room Licenses to William Kracht and Kevin Pound, Conditioned on Approval of Their Applications for State Card Room Licenses Submitted to the California State Gambling Control Commission |
9/25/2023 |
Codified |
Res. No. 2023-068
Approving an Application for Authorization to Access State and Federal Level Summary Criminal History Information for Employment Including Volunteers and Contractors, and for Licensing or Certification Purposes |
9/25/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-067
Appointing William Ayub to the Position of City Manager and Approving an Employment Agreement Establishing Salary and Benefits in Connection With Said Appointment |
8/7/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-066
Amending the Compensation and Terms of Employment for the Position of City Attorney |
8/7/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-065
Approving a General Plan Amendment to Adopt the Sixth Cycle Housing Element |
8/7/2023 |
Special |
Res. No. 2023-064
Denying the Appellant’s Appeal and Upholding the Planning Commission Approval of Design Review, Coastal Development Permit, Lot Line Adjustment and Density Bonus Concessions and Waivers in Compliance With State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915 Et Seq.) for the Two Eleven Project, a Mixed-Use Development With 94 Units, Including 13 Very Low-Income Units, 7 Live/Work Units, and 3,181 Square Feet of Ground Floor Commercial Space Located at 211, 231, and 245 Thompson Boulevard |
8/7/2023 |
Special |