24.340.050 Architectural and developmental guidelines.
Architectural and development guidelines shall be prepared and adopted for each proposed HD overlay zone pursuant to this chapter. Architectural guidelines shall be developed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation with Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. Uses within an area designated as an HD overlay zone must comply with all provisions of such adopted guidelines after the effective date of the area’s designation as an HD overlay zone.
Guidelines shall include, without limitation, the following provisions:
A. Height. The height of new buildings shall be consistent with, but not strictly limited to, the proportion of existing landmarks or points of interest.
B. Materials. Predominant materials to be used in buildings shall be prescribed.
C. Details. Use of details such as cornices, lintels and arches shall be consistent with existing designs.
D. Elements. Compatible elements such as balconies, porches and chimneys shall be prescribed.
E. Roof. Roof shapes and materials shall reflect the shape, scale and style of the landmarks or points of interest.
F. Grounds. Site planning shall follow the precedents set by most of the buildings on the block, unless the decision-making authority approves the variation therefrom.
G. Signs. Recommendations regarding appropriate sign programs for the area shall be set forth. (Code 1971, § 15.440.050; Ord. No. 2021-017, § 34, 12-13-21)